Asperitas debuts Direct Forced Convection immersion cooling technology

Asperitas launched Direct Forced Convection technology, enabling limitless scale, power and reliability across all workloads including Generic, HPC, Supercompute and AI.

The ground-breaking Direct Forced Convection (DFC) technology offers the most advanced levels of performance available in the booming immersion cooling market. Enabling unlimited scale-up and a cooling capacity beyond 3.6kWper U, the Asperitas DFC technology ensures that high power density components at chip and chassis levels are precision cooled with an extremely low power overhead. This allows data centers to stack more powerful servers in a smaller footprint without the risk of overheating.

The Asperitas DFC technology can handle densities exceeding 2000Wper socket, meaning that CPUs and GPUs can operate at their full potential,free from thermal limitations.

First to market is the 12U Direct Forced Convection platform, which is the building block for the unique scalable system.

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