Rackspace launches FAIR AI Diagnostic

Rackspace Technology® (NASDAQ: RXT) — a leading end-to-end, multicloud solutions company, today announced Foundry for AI by Rackspace (FAIR™) AI Diagnostic that allows organizations to baseline their AI readiness and receive tailored recommendations on next steps in minutes. The new, FAIR AI solution is free at fair.rackspace.com and distills key AI best practices gleaned from hundreds of customer use cases and years of collective technology experience.

“The new FAIR AI Diagnostic is designed to accelerate the adoption of responsible AI in our customer organizations, and to establish the long-term viability of these AI solutions to drive the desired business outcomes,” said Srini Koushik, Rackspace CTO and Global Lead for FAIR. “Due to Rackspace’s time to market, quality of decades of insights and fanatical customer support, we are providing our knowledge to organizations as fast as possible to seize these massive business opportunities together.”

The FAIR AI Readiness Diagnostic assesses 50+ data points across foundational, operational, and strategic readiness. 

Foundry for AI by Rackspace (FAIR)

FAIR is a groundbreaking global practice dedicated to advancing business transformation, improving customer experience, increasing the quality of service, and accelerating value creation through the secure and pragmatic use of AI technologies. FAIR has identified over 100 use cases across multiple industries and is working on several first-of-a-kind implementations for our customers across the globe.