Today we’re sporting new websites and newsletters! Fancy, huh?
These design changes are meant to make it easier and faster for you to get your latest news and insights on the telecom industry. We hope you like it!
As part of our makeover, our new websites are easier to navigate and go faster. They will also look a lot better on your tablet and smartphone (Android, iOS, Palm Treo, whatever), and they're packed with big, pretty pictures. We also ditched a lot of the stuff that was slowing things down, like the comments section. Instead, we encourage you to comment to us directly on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
Our newsletters also got a redesign. They’re shorter and much less cluttered, but they’ll still get you the most important stories and articles about the telecom industry. In fact, we’re going to start bulking up our newsletters with more stories from all the different corners of the telecom industry – because that’s the direction our industry is headed. Cable companies are getting into the wireless industry, wireless carriers are investing in online video, and telco operators are developing software products. We hope to help you understand how these lines are beginning to blur. What that means is that you’ll probably get more than just five stories every day from us (unless it’s a slow news day).
If you’re not signed up for our newsletters, click here.
What’s not changing though is our commitment to quality work, whether that’s writing breaking news, scoops, in-depth articles, executive interviews or thoughtful opinion pieces. What’s also not changing is our sales team, headed by Publisher Kevin Gray, as well as our award-winning editorial team. That editorial team includes:
- Sean Buckley, who has been covering the telecom industry as a journalist for 18 years, and who will still be writing about the telco space and network installation.
- Colin Gibbs, who has been covering the telecom industry as a journalist for 10 years, and who will still be writing about wireless carriers, smartphones and other cellular stuff.
- Monica Alleven, who has been covering the telecom industry as a journalist for a whopping 20 years, and who will still be writing about the industry’s fancy new wireless tech, from lasers to 5G.
- Daniel Frankel, who has been covering the telecom industry as a journalist for 15 years, and who will still be writing about the cable industry.
- Ben Munson, who has been covering the telecom industry as a journalist for four years, and who will still be covering the cable industry (and anything else he finds interesting).
- Daniel Kobialka, who has been covering the telecom industry as a journalist for around two years, and who will still be writing about developers.
- Anne Morris and Michael Carroll, who together have been covering the telecom industry as journalists for 32 years, and who will still be covering all the goings-on in Europe.
- Sam Bookman, who has been covering the telecom industry as a journalist for nine years, and who will still be writing all about the online video industry.
- And Eli Richman, our newest employee who has been covering the telecom and IT space for a year, and who will still be covering everything happening in Washington D.C.
For those of you counting, that’s a cumulative total of 126 years we’ve all be doing this thing.
Definitely let us know what you think of this redesign. I welcome all your comments at[email protected] or @mikeddano. And maybe I’ll see you at our next event, at CTIA in Vegas? --Mike Dano, Editor in Chief (covering telecom as a journalist for 15 years and counting)